Explore Los Angeles!

Wait until the other rideshare companies get a load of you shining for your ultimate arrivals! We are out-the-gate fresh with some of the world's most expensive automobiles on land. Unheard of in the rideshare business, and we built it with intentions to shake up the industry providing an "Extraordinary Experience" for your entrance for whatever occasions.
Please find below snippets of real time clients arriving in the world's only High-end Rideshare, Los Angeles for many special occasions whether it's corporate, leisure, weddings, girl's night out and proms. We only focus on glitz and glam making sure you get the maximum exposure at the grand entrance of your whatever occasions.
Allow us to introduce ourselves Los Angeles! World's only High-end Rideshare RideshareRates.com
Must be 18 and older to ride. Must be 21 and over to drive by signing up as an owner above. We reserve the right to turn down any occasion/ride that's detrimental to our guests as well as our driver/owners safety. Police protection is available at an additional cost.
RideshareRates Los Angeles!


Los Angeles, CA
Available Weekday's and Weekend's
"Patricia Line" Extreme Exotic Sedans
5 Star Owner/Driver "Albert"
"Patricia Line" of Extreme Exotic Sedans
2023 Mercedes-Benz MAYBACH
Availability: Weekday's-Weekend's/24hrs
TIme's Driving:
Flat Rate: COMING SOON! /Plus Wait/Time-Distance Fee
Exterior: Black/Silver
Interior: Black
(Optional or Required)
POLICE PROTECTION (Off-duty/Retired)
$350 (2hrs)

Los Angeles, CA
Available Weekday's and Weekend's
"Patricia Line" Extreme Exotic Sedans
5 Star Owner/Driver "Mike" Los Angeles, CA
"Patricia Line" of Extreme Exotic Sedans
Availability: Weekday's-Weekend's/24hrs
TIme's Driving:
Flat Rate: COMING SOON!/Plus Wait/Time-Distance Fee
Exterior: Grey
Interior: Orange
(Optional or Required)
POLICE PROTECTION (Off-duty/Retired)
$350 (2hrs)


Coming Soon
Los Angeles, CA
Available Weekday's and Weekend's
"Patricia Line" Extreme Exotic Sedans
5 Star Owner/Driver "Coming Soon!"
"Patricia Line" of Extreme Exotic Sedans
Availability: Weekday's-Weekend's/24hrs
TIme's Driving:
Flat Rate: /Plus Wait/Time-Distance Fee
(Optional or Required)
POLICE PROTECTION (Off-duty/Retired)
$350 (2hrs)

Coming Soon
Los Angeles, CA
Available Weekday's and Weekend's
"Patricia Line" Extreme Exotic Sedans

5 Star Owner/Driver COMING SOON!
"Patricia Line" of Extreme Exotic Sedans
Availability: Weekday's-Weekend's/24hrs
TIme's Driving:
Flat Rate: COMING SOON!/Plus Wait/Time-Distance Fee
(Optional or Required)
POLICE PROTECTION (Off-duty/Retired)
$350 (2hrs)
Upcoming events Chicago, IL